How to donate: IEPDP CHURCH
* Through the $ 10 weekly project
* Direct payment to DCU Bank account #18014464                           
*Paypal,Website, Venmo, Square.

Who we are:
We are a department made up of a team of people who are part of a non-profit committee dedicated to volunteer service in Social Action, Education and Health.

Action Description
After building the school centers, we will seek a partnership with the Bissau Department of Education and
the local PEPE Network coordinator to develop the literacy project.
Once a year through the Smiling Project a team of dentists will go to communities and villages to meet the needs of the needy population with:

• Oral health prevention
• Urgency and Dental Emergency
• Dentistry
• Periodontics
•Surgery bit of body text
Clay brick ovens will be built in the villages so that bread can be made for household food and also for sale in the community. By making bricks, it will make it easier to build your own schools, churches and houses.

Benefited Public:
* In literacy: Children in the age group is from four to six years.
* In health: All needy people who need oral health care.
* In socio-economic and family development: Families in poverty who do not have income to support themselves.

Make a Difference Today

Join us as part of this story, bringing hope to the needy and disadvantaged people by becoming thus an agent of life transformation. We believe that together we will be stronger.

Our vision:
Guinea-Bissau is a poor country in West Africa bordering Senegal in the north and Guinea Conakry in the south.
The regions where we are going to work do not have clean water, electricity, sanitation and schools. In research conducted we concluded that there is no dental care for the population.
We believe that with this action of Building Dreams at Guinea-Bissau, many people are no longer in pain and will have their teeth restored as well as their high self-esteem, because they have the opportunity to smile without restraint.
By implementing literacy, the illiteracy rate will be lower and many vulnerable children will expect a present and a better future. Seeing the socioeconomic need of families, we concluded that it is not enough to bring only sporadic benefits, but to create mechanisms for work anddaily labor, to generate resources for family maintenance.

Service Provision:
All services are offered free of charge and on a voluntary basis and no charge ot free is allowed.

Resources and Partnerships:
The funds will be purchased in the form of voluntary donations. May be from the federal, state or municipal public sphere; through companies, entities, or community organizations that may support the project; as well as by an individual.

Contacts and Project Leaders:

312 Main St door 12, Hudson MA 01749 - USA
Office Phone Number: (978) 562-6135
Instagram: BuildingDreamsAtGB
FaceBook: @BuildingDreamsAtGB
Taiane: (857) 210 5904 - Massachusetts USA
Viviane: (508) 726 1610 - Massachusetts USA
Pra.Angelica: (843) 901 4969 - South Carolina USA

Our mission:
_Reaching poor people with oral health in partnership with the NGO Smiling

-GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN HEALTH ACTION-CNPJ 27690337 / 001-24 installed in Goiânia -GOBrazil.

_ Establish literacy centers in communities and villages where there are no schools.
_ Bring hope to the hearts of children, their families and communities.
_Working for the needy communities in Guinea-Bissau.
_Purchase funds and partnerships so that social and educational works can be carried out.
_ Buy medical and dental supplies.
_Create a pole for dental care.
_Develop mechanism for family support through:
* Construction of bread ovens.
* Manufacture of bricks and blocks for general construction.